What is cultural capital?
Cultural capital is the accumulation of knowledge, behaviours, and skills that a child can draw upon and which demonstrates their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence; it is one of the key ingredients a pupil will draw upon to be successful in society, their career and the world of work.
Thinking about people around the world.
appreciation and love of music
understanding how history shapes our future
celebrating different cultures, tradition and faiths
educational trips and visits
learning about people in our community
supporting our local community
planning and running charity events
Local artist Nicola Burrell worked with the whole school to create a sculpure for our school hall! The sculpture represents our three houses. Below you can see the children enjoying their learning through workshops, trips, themed days and working with parents too!

Remembrance Day
All of the children took part in Remembrance Day activities. Each year group explored a different question: What is peace? How did Florence Nightingale change the way people were treated during wars? How were children looked after during the Blitz? How do we remember the war? How did animals help us communicate during the war? How do courageous people help to win wars? How can we make sure war never happens again?
Their work has been displayed beautifully in our school corridors as you can see above.
World Braille Day
Braille is a tactile representation of alphabetic and numerical symbols using six dots to represent each letter and number, and even musical, mathematical and scientific symbols. Braille (named after its inventor in 19th century France, Louis Braille) is used by blind and partially sighted people to read the same books and periodicals as those printed in a visual font.
We spent the day learning about visual imparement, the invention of braille and how we can support pupils with visual imparement in our school.

Children's Mental Health Week
Children's Mental Health Week is taking place on 7-13 February 2022. This year's theme is Growing Together.
We will be encouraging children (and adults) to consider how they have grown, and how they can help others to grow.
Growing Together is about growing emotionally and finding ways to help each other grow. Challenges and setbacks can help us to grow and adapt and trying new things can help us to move beyond our comfort zone into a new realm of possibility and potential. However, emotional growth is often a gradual process that happens over time, and sometimes we might feel a bit ‘stuck’.
https://youtu.be/xy5VmVEq_0U - find out more by watching this video
Our children learnt about:
- meditation
- yoga
- mindful colouring
- how to regulate emotions
- who to ask for help
- how sport can help
Energy Saving Week 2022
Energy Saving Week is a national campaign with the aim to help and encourage people to save energy while cutting down on fuel costs at the same time.
The event was created in partnership with Citizens Advice, the Energy Saving Trust and the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Many other organisations and charities often support the campaign, too.
Lots of advice and guidance is provided to help people save energy and money, including:
- What financial support and discounts there are available
- Why they might want to consider changing energy suppliers
- Ways to invest in more effective insulation

Science Week
Our children took part in Science Week and focused their learning on Living and Growing. They sorted, labelled, investigated and planted all week long!
Thank you to Mrs Stevart, we now have 13 saplings growing on our school field to nurture for years to come.

Easter 2022
Red Nose Day
Our pupils looked fantastic dressed instead of blue this week raising money for Red Nose Day and Ukraine Charities. The pupils have been learning that whatever you do, no matter how small, you can help people live free from poverty, violence and discrimination. This includes funding organisations that are supporting people right now in Ukraine, and those attempting to cross the border. Because you have the power to change lives.
Our Junior Management Team also organised a bake sale and for the 1st time in 2 years, we were able to invite parents and carers into school to celebrate with us.