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Pupil Premium Strategy

The pupil premium for 2021-22 has been allocated to schools. This money is allocated to schools in order to support the progress of children in vulnerable groups. The money is paid directly to schools and is based on the number of children who receive or have received Free School Meals, children in care and children of parents in the armed services. It is up to schools to decide how this money is spent. The pupil premium is used to focus on the needs of vulnerable children in our school. There is a total of £87'425 pupil premium allocated to the school.

We have prioritised it to focus on children who:

  • receive free school meals
  • are ooked after children
  • are vulnerable children who are in danger of underachieving
  • We prioritise the use of pupil premium to ensure that it has the biggest impact on the life chances and education of our children

We use the money to:

  • Improve reading, writing and maths skills. Whole school focus on dive deeper to extend problem solving using LSA in class to support where necessary.
  • Split a year group into 3 cohorts to allow stronger pupil to teacher ratio in Year 6
  • Ensuring that staff use evidence- based whole class teaching interentions

Please refer to the Pupil Premium Strategy Document for further information.



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