Parent Friends Association
Our PFA organises events throughout the year in order to raise money for our school.
In the last academic year (2021-2022), the PFA ran or were involved in the following events: Mother's and Father's day sales, Jubilee Picnic lunch, Adventure Island wristband sales, nearly-new uniform sales and the refreshment stall at sports day
Every year, they provide half of the cost of tickets for all pupils in KS2 to go to see the pantomime at Basildon Towngate Theatre, they also pay for half of the cost of the year 6 leavers hoodies each year.
In addition to this, in the past some of the PFA projects have included:
- purchase of 30 laptops
- purchase of 20 chromebooks
- over £3000 spent on books to support our topics across the school
- contribution towards the pirate ship climbing frame in the KS1 playground
What events are happening this year?
There are lots of events planned for next year.
New diary dates will be posted in September so keep checking back for more information!